Category: Aspectus

3 top tips for developing an effective technology event communications plan

By Astor Sonnen, Senior Account Director

Trade shows are a staple of most industries. A chance to network, showcase solutions, sell, buy, and learn, brands often anchor entire marketing and sales campaigns around their appearances at events.  

Driving the most value out of trade shows is dependent on having clear objectives, defined within a strategic event communications plan. You can’t simply turn up and expect success; you need to lay the groundwork.  

While events may differ between industries, there are several key considerations for marketeers when developing marketing and comms plans. So, whether you’re planning on exhibiting at DCD Connect, Capacity Europe, SaaStock, InfoSec Europe or any other event, here are three top tips to keep in mind.  

1: Tell your audience that you’re attending and ‘stand’ out

Raise awareness of your attendance so that your audience can set up meetings at the show, while also boosting your brand by publicising what topics and events you’re active in.

Start activity 6-weeks or so out and use a variety of tactics – such as email marketing, social media and content – to increase the likelihood your audience will engage.

Conversations will also happen organically at the show, but having a stand that sets you apart will help to attract visitors. Some brands develop vibrant signage, while others may have quirks such as demos and freebies.

Ask yourself:

  • How will your target audience know that you’re exhibiting at the event? 
  • What’s the most effective way of reaching your audience? 
  • Do you have something planned that will increase the attractiveness of your stand?  

2: Train your speakers to represent your brand in the right way  

If you have a representative in a panel discussion, make sure they’re fully prepped to add insightful commentary. A true thought leader can explore industry topics, while subtly bridging back to their own messaging, so that attendees gain a better understanding. If panel participants clearly push their own agenda and aren’t in sync with each other, it can be alienating to the audience.  

Ask yourself:  

  • Are your experts fully prepared for a discussion?  
  • Do they require training so that they understand when best to engage in the wider conversation and when to be more direct with your messaging? 

3: If you want media coverage, have something new to say  

Media coverage is another common desired outcome for brands attending events, but this is dependent on having actual news. Attendance in itself is not newsworthy. Be ready to announce something along the lines of new data, offerings, customer relationships or top-level hires so that journalists have a reason to come to your stand.  

However, other brands in attendance will likely be announcing news at the same time for the same reasoning, so make your story strong. And remember, if there’s no news, you can still take the opportunity to chat to journalists on the day to build relationships – with the right preparation. 

Ask yourself: 

  • Do you have something new to talk about? 
  • If yes, to manage expectations, would you expect coverage of the news if you announced it outside of the show?  
  • What are your main goals for attending? If lead generation is a priority, your efforts may be better focused elsewhere. 

There are plenty more top tips we can give you, so if you’ve got an industry event on the horizon and want to know how to make your resources deliver more, get in touch.  

Let’s discuss your event communications plan, as well as your wider technology PR and comms strategy. 

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Why we care more about bad news… and how spokespeople can cut through

By Alex Newlove, Senior Account Manager

It is a common complaint that journalists tend to focus on the ‘bad’ stories that make us despair about the state of the world. Our clients sometimes worry that journalists’ propensity for covering conflict and mishap will lead to quotes being taken out of context and placed in an overwhelmingly negative story.

Who else subscribes to a news service where the refrain below-the-line is often “I will be cancelling my subscription to this alarmist newspaper, I expected better”?

The insinuation behind these complaints is that journalists go out of their way to irritate and alarm us, just for fun. Sometimes, the follow-up statement from commenters will be something like, “why can’t you report on some good news for a change?”.

The answer to this question is clear: editors have better information than ever about what people are reading, given that the vast majority of news is now clicked on, as opposed to leafed through. I would argue that this makes us all culpable for the quality and tone of the news agenda. You clicked on one too many articles about Kim Kardashian’s bum, and you are now living in the mean and superficial world which you helped to mould. Social media has further fueled an environment that rewards only the most extreme, black-and-white opinions.

But while I have just implied that we all have a degree of responsibility for the negative news cycle, we are also born with brains that fire up for drama and disaster; merely flicker for charming stories with a happy ending; and barely register accounts of where things have gone well or adhered to the status quo – in fact this latter group is barely considered news at all.

Excuse me while my undergraduate psychology course rears its ugly head, but this penchant for bad news makes perfect sense from an evolutionary perspective. The ‘negativity bias’ meant our ancestors were vastly more likely to put their attention towards what could be a snake in the grass, over admiring a glorious blue sky. Ignoring potential bad news (the approaching snake) was vastly riskier than not focusing on neutral or good news. Similar mechanisms are at work when we find it easier to recall insults than compliments, and why you remember exactly what you were doing when you heard a plane had crashed into the twin towers. Your brain registered the perceived shocking threat and helpfully filed the ‘lesson’ for later.

This negativity bias poses a challenge for PR people. Our clients often come to us desperately excited about a new project their team has been working energetically on for many months. We are sometimes in the unenviable position of telling them “sorry, no-one cares”. This will be translated to something along the lines of “What an exciting initiative! Unfortunately, due to the busy news agenda we cannot imagine this will get much traction with the media at this time”.

So how can firms capitalise on a grim news agenda, without coming across as overly pessimistic, or getting drawn into a slanging match with competitors?

Contrarian points of view

Restating the status quo does not get you quoted. The journalist wants colour and opinion – what is your or your company’s attitude towards a topic? Can you critique a prevailing idea or theory, or even your own industry, before covering what your firm is doing to change it? (We recommend against criticising specific competitors.)

Use their angle to your advantage

Ask the journalist if they already have an angle in mind. If you feel it is inaccurate or overly-negative, this gives you a chance to come up with a more positive counter-narrative and will help guide your responses throughout the conversation.

Move the story on

The journalist is always trying to write the next chapter on a given topic, so there is little point in extensively rehashing old ground. Give them something fresh to go on and explain how an issue is moving on. “Now the market is shifting, and our clients have started asking us about Y. This means…”

Be fearless: say what you think

A big frustration for journalists is the extent to which senior people in well-paid positions are afraid to venture an opinion, even where it correlates to their company’s messaging. The world is gasping for thoughtful, frank, discussion. Being passionate and showing personality is good.

Aspectus can help your company navigate a turbulent news agenda. Contact us.

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Breaking Fast and Breaking Barriers: A Guide to Celebrating Ramadan in the Workplace

By Thamsia Salam, Account Executive

Ramadan is an important month for Muslims worldwide, where they fast from sunrise to sunset for a whole month. It’s a time of self-reflection, prayer, and generosity. For many Muslims, like me, this is a time when we connect with the faith, family, and community. Eid al-Fitr is the festival that marks the end of Ramadan and is a time of joy, celebration, and gratitude.

For someone experiencing their first corporate job during Ramadan and Eid, it can be daunting at first. I was excited for the month, but I was also worried about how I would manage my job responsibilities and religious obligations during Ramadan and Eid. I knew that I would have to perform additional spiritual duties throughout the day, but I wasn’t sure how I would handle it. I was also concerned about how my colleagues would react and whether they would understand the significance of these religious observances.

Were my concerns well-founded? Keep reading for an account of my first Ramadan working in communications.

Working with Purpose

My worries were soon put to rest as my colleagues were very understanding and supportive. I had discussions with my line manager to explain my situation and see if there was any way I could be accommodated during Ramadan and Eid. I was grateful that Aspectus was open to providing me with flexibility in my hours, which helped me to manage my fasting and prayer times.

The first week was tough, having to adjust to a new routine whilst carrying out my usual duties. I continued to attend meetings and perform my regular tasks during Ramadan, sometimes finding it difficult to maintain my energy levels. Fortunately, my colleagues were understanding and accommodating, which helped me to cope. I found that taking short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge was helpful.

As Ramadan progressed, I found that I was better able to manage my responsibilities and my religious obligations. I learned to be more efficient with my time and focused on completing my tasks earlier in the day when I had more energy. I was also fortunate that as part of my Ramadan arrangements, I was able to work from home for the entirety of the month, which helped me to manage my fasting and prayer times better.

Eid al-Fitr

When Eid al-Fitr arrived, I took a day off to celebrate with family and friends. Eid al-Fitr is a joyous festival celebrated by Muslims all over the world, marking the end of Ramadan. It’s a time for dressing up in new clothes, exchanging gifts and greetings, and feasting with family and friends. Think of it as the ultimate post-Ramadan celebration, complete with good food, good company, and good vibes!

In conclusion, my first Ramadan and Eid in a corporate role were a mix of challenges and rewards. I was grateful for the understanding and support of their employer and colleagues, which helped to manage my religious obligations while also fulfilling the job role commitments. I also learned to be more efficient with my time and found ways to adjust to their fasting and prayer times. One of the highlights of my month was talking to colleagues about the ins and outs of Ramadan. This experience was a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, where individuals from different backgrounds can work together in harmony and respect each other’s cultures and traditions.

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Poor comms strategy? You’re fired: how the candidates should have played their cards in this year’s ‘The Apprentice’

By Laura Morrison, Senior Account Executive

So, you’ve come up with your own sparkling idea to make it big: a business plan with a comprehensive profit and loss (P&L), projection of sales, and marketing strategy. Trouble is, you fall short of a £250k investment to bring it into existence and catapult yourself towards becoming a gazillionaire.  

Your options for securing this funding? A bank loan, crowd funding, an angel investor, a knock on the door of the bank of Mum and Dad? Or you could’ve decided that your best option for raising capital is to throw yourself in a pool with 17 other budding candidates on national TV, and gamble that you’ll survive 12 gruelling weeks of tasks and boardrooms to come out on top. You’d think a bright young ex-Barclays employee would opt for one of the more traditional paths before throwing himself to the mercy of ruthless grillings from a Lord of the realm. Alas, Avi Sharma has become one of the latest victims of Lord Sugar’s The Apprentice, back on screens for its 17th series.  

Calculated risk aside, why embark on this treacherous interview process to fight it out for Lord Sugar’s funding and 50 years’ worth of business experience? In a show where bold players can win big, quite often your best bet for fame and success seems to be shortlisting yourself for soundbite of the year (who can forget, ‘there’s no ‘I’ in team, but there’s three in millionaire’).  

The reason to sign up is clear: exposure, publicity, and 16 weeks’ worth of free comms and TV advertising which would otherwise cost you upwards of six figures. It is not the easiest route to get your brand out there, but in a world where personal brand can outweigh the product an influencer sells, it makes three months’ worth of boardrooms seem ever more appealing.  

Of course, this is assuming you can run its course, failing at the first hurdle gets you about as much airtime as a ‘You’ve Been Framed’ clip without the £250. Although, if you’re lucky and play your cards right haggling salmon down from market price at a stall in Brighton, you stand a chance of being remembered, and might even win. 

With the industry’s talent crisis hitting the headlines every day, you can’t blame Lord Sugar for wanting to vet the options over a painstakingly long decision process with the opportunity to ‘try before you buy’ on an employee providing invaluable insight pre investment. Besides being a creative and a sales-orientated contestant, it is obvious that sugar-coating Lord Amstrad is not going to win you his buy-in, but more so the honesty and integrity of each candidate which will convince him of the potential return on investment (ROI).  

This is where an effective comms strategy is something money can’t buy, whether it be the ability to sell your makeshift products to unknowing audience, communicating with your incapable project manager, or selling your business plan to a room full of industry professionals. Despite the gimmicks of the shows, the ability to effectively communicate a business plan to an investor should be top of the list when it comes to preparation for the candidates in lieu of brainstorming slogans to sell the likes of bao buns and tourist tours to Antigua.  

Although proving you can beg your way through boardroom bustles to avoid the dreaded ‘you’re fired’ isn’t exactly written on Goldman’s job specification, in order to stand a chance of being successful as you subject yourself to this process and beyond, how to ‘PR’ yourself (and your brand) should be top of the list. PR is known as ‘the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support, and influencing opinion and behavior’. There is no doubt that the brave souls who apply – and they do in their thousands we are told – are clear on the need to gather support and sway the Lord (not that one) and his trusty lieutenants on the merits of their business plan – even though they run the risk of ruining what is likely to become their most important business asset, their reputation.  

So, before you start spending your hard-earned savings on boardroom suits, hair extensions, and perfect grooming, try the traditional investment routes and build your business and reputation (why not have a look at our website for our own tips?), without the risk of ever being known for a one liner you will undoubtedly come to regret. “I have the energy of a Duracell bunny, the sex appeal of Jessica Rabbit, and a brain like Einstein”, so said a fallen candidate of series 9 – name omitted to protect the remainder of reputation!  

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Unleashing The Potential of Onshore Wind: Insights from the UK’s first onshore wind conference

By Paul Noonan, Content and Insight Director

As a home-grown, home-blown power source that is now nine times cheaper than gas, terrestrial wind power could transform our energy security and affordability and pave a faster path to net zero. Yet with the UK needing to double its onshore wind capacity to remain on course for net zero by 2030 and just two turbines installed in the whole of England last year, we risk being blown off-course for decarbonisation. And the government has been criticised for rowing back on plans to ease stringent planning restrictions amidst fierce resistance from rural MPs and local groups.

I recently attended the UK’s first ever conference on onshore wind uniting leading lights from government, industry and charities to discuss how we could unleash the potential of onshore wind without damaging local environments or alienating communities. The stellar speaker line-up included the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero, the Chairman of the Net Zero Committee and representatives from Energy UK, the Local Government Association, The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, the Nature Conservancy and the Centre for Sustainable Energy. They revealed how democratisation and localisation, holistic ‘whole system’ planning and transparent, reliable data could finally break the deadlock and detoxify onshore wind. Here were three themes that emerged.

Democratisation and localisation, not compensation

Democratising and localising wind farm development is essential so that wind farms benefit local people and places as well the planet. Communities cannot be ‘bought off’ with compensation from developers but want to be given a genuine say and a real stake in wind farm development. This means giving communities real influence over planning decisions and an opportunity to share in the benefits of projects. Community workshops could be established asking local people to list their favourite views so that wind farms are carefully sited to avoid impeding their enjoyment of nature.

Public tenders for wind projects must focus not only on cost but on creating local content and supply chains so that wind farms create jobs and opportunities for their neighbours. Communities should also be helped to make energy savings through local wind farms and the chance to profit from peer-to-peer energy markets or community-run wind schemes. One developer even gave local communities equity stakes in their neighbouring wind farm.

Transparent decision-making through smart data

Innovations such as data analytics and digital modelling could create more transparent, democratic wind farm development. Developers could give local community and environmental groups virtual tours of proposed sites for wind farms digitally modelling the impact on everything from popular views to bird migration routes. This would enable collaborative planning decisions between communities and developers based on transparent, accurate data.

We could create multi-layered digital maps combining engineering, wildlife, land-use and population data to ensure windfarms are optimally positioned for minimal impact on communities and biodiversity. And a national land-use database could map the best sites for wind farms based on everything from wind to topography data to give each local authority a well-informed series of options for communities to consider. Crucially, transparent methodologies for measuring environmental impact such as the Nature Conservancy’s Site Wind Right tool could ensure spatial planning for wind farms minimises or mitigates environmental damage.

Holistic ‘whole system’ infrastructure planning

A disjointed, point-to-point model of development where each wind farm has to make its own grid interconnection means that power systems are not evolving in sync with renewables. We need to design electric and renewable grids holistically as a joined-up ecosystem designed to intersect around the most cost-effective way to bring clean energy to the masses.

Multi-layered digital maps modelling future power systems and wind farms could be merged with population data to ensure transmission lines and wind farms are designed to intersect and connect with future population centres. In this way, connected data from multiple sources could create more collaborative, joined-up renewable and electric infrastructure.

Mapping the way forward:

The Net Zero Committee says the UK needs to double the installed capacity of onshore wind by 2030 to make net zero affordable and achieve decarbonisation. Yet the omens are not looking good, with the pipeline of wind projects drying up under an effective 10-year moratorium on construction. Only 11% of local authorities have even identified possible sites for new construction because of confusion over where and how to build in a way that achieves democratic consent. What emerged from this event is that transparent, reliable smart data is the key to building bridges between wind developers and local communities so that wind farms can peacefully coexist with nature and their human neighbours.

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Why a PR and marketing career is just like a half marathon

By Catherine Hunter, Account Director

I recently completed a half marathon, and as I was running the 13.1 miles, it struck me that there are quite a few similarities between a PR and marketing career and a half marathon. From training to the big day, there’s lessons we can draw across disciplines.

Start with the strategy

When signing up to the half marathon, one of the first things I put into place was a training plan – essentially working back from the big day to ensure there was enough time to get the miles in. And like all good plans, injury and flu meant they had to change! Whether doing a report, social bank or even pitching a press release, we need to align our timings backwards in a PR and marketing career to give us the best chance of success, but also to ensure deadlines are met. But strategy goes further than that. It’s about setting up for success. You can execute a creative and compelling campaign but with no strategy, it’s going to be far less impactful than you intended. And so, whether moving to your gate to get started, or kicking of a new client in your PR and marketing career, aligning to strategy is key.

Purpose led approach

As the miles start to hit, and the pain and fatigue sets in, you need to look within and find the strength to carry on. For me, reminding myself of the purpose of why I set out on the half marathon journey to begin with was a big part of the grounding needed to see me eat away the final few miles.

And it’s that same sense of purpose that’s invaluable to help you take the next step in your PR and marketing career. Agencies like Aspectus pride themselves on rewarding people who are doing well, and with two promotion cycles a year, it’s possible to really run in your career and take on the role that really serves your purpose. Whether it is international expansion, or moving into a new sector niche that really drives you, or just being the best at your discipline – by understanding what drives you and the purpose you want to bring to the business can really help to accelerate success.

Different approaches for different outcomes

It was about the 6 mile mark where I decided a bleep test was probably an easier challenge for me. Short, sprint bursts suited my natural style better. The rush of a sprint is the similar kind of buzz breaking news can give you in a PR and marketing career. But it’s also important to know that while a single tactic – like breaking news – can have tremendous media value, alone it is unlikely to create the real impact you’re looking for.

And much like a consistent pace for a marathon is a common approach. Jeffing – where you walk for 30 seconds, run for 30 seconds continually – can be another approach that can have a good outcome. And so, the key for success is really knowing what approach will have the best impact – whether digital, in-depth reports, or press releases – for what you’re trying to achieve.

Celebrate the wins

It’s no secret that not every pitch you do will land, the story won’t capture the hearts and mind of the journalist quite like you hoped – especially when reaching out to top tier media. But that means the victory is all the sweeter when it does! Equally, there are times on the half marathon journey where the finish line feels a step too far to reach, and so it’s important to take stock, reflect and realise the journey you’ve taken and the little wins you’ve had along the way. At Aspectus, we celebrate the wins every week through hijack.

For me, as a non-runner, a half marathon was a significant personal challenge. It took me well outside of my comfort zone and if anything, I learned that once is enough for a challenge like that! But the most important thing for any career, let alone PR and marketing is to seek out challenges to learn from people, develop skills and continually grow.

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GDPR: 5 years of Compliance and Impact

By Marko Batarilo, Senior Development Lead

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has had a significant impact on data protection regulations globally since its introduction in the EU five years ago. This subject continues to keep us on our toes and in this blog, I explore its effects and discuss the updates we have been navigating on behalf of our clients.

The right to be forgotten

One of the key objectives of GDPR is to give individuals more control over their personal data, including the right to be forgotten. This means that businesses must be able to demonstrate that they have a legitimate interest in processing personal data. As data privacy regulations continue to evolve, businesses must keep up with changes to ensure they comply with the latest rules to avoid fines, loss of customers, and reputational damage.

Falling foul of the regulations

Many countries around the world have used GDPR as a model to develop their own rules around personal data protection. Companies have had to review their business processes to ensure compliance with GDPR, including double opt-in rules and email marketing best practises. GDPR enforcement has been minimal to date, but the likes of Amazon, Meta, British Airways and Google have had significant fines and more widely, it’s expected that fines will reach record levels this year.

To date, we’ve mainly seen large corporates receiving fines, but there is a trend emerging where many smaller companies are unaware their websites are not GDPR compliant. Since the implementation of GDPR, website owners require explicit consent from users before recording their personal data.

Many websites are collecting user information through cookies before obtaining explicit consent. This typically happens when websites employ cookies to gather data as soon as a user lands on the site, rather than first presenting a clear, affirmative option for the user to grant permission for data collection. This is a critical oversight as it operates under the assumption that continued use of the website signifies consent, a notion that is no longer acceptable under GDPR. As such, this practice puts these businesses at risk of non-compliance and the associated penalties.

This regulatory landscape is here to stay

Privacy-driven spending on compliance with privacy laws has increased dramatically since the introduction of GDPR in May 2018. Companies have had to invest more in privacy technologies to gain the trust of their users and avoid fines. The use of business models that rely on sharing personal information is changing rapidly.

GDPR has therefore had a profound impact on the way companies operate, from how they collect and use personal data to the way they market their products and services. As privacy regulations continue to evolve globally, businesses must be able to adapt and demonstrate their compliance with the latest rules.

What’s been the impact on digital traffic?

Studies show that the introduction of GDPR has led to a 15% overall reduction in website visits for businesses across Europe and the United States, with direct website traffic and email marketing message visits decreasing by 4.5% and 7%, respectively. Email and display advertising traffic was also shown to have reduced by 35% and 29%, respectively.

These are significant figures and therefore a key challenge is to comply while minimising the impact on digital marketing results.

Staying on track

Cookie management tools and privacy-enhancing technologies will continue to play an important role in ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and building trust with users in the years to come. We offer expert assistance in implementing cookie management tools and optimising website traffic while minimising the negative impact on direct website traffic and email marketing.

If you would like to know more about GDPR and its impact on your website or digital marketing efforts, then get in touch here.

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The Pursuit of Excellence

By Katy Galasinski, Chief Growth Officer

As our CEO, Alastair, said, at Aspectus, branding, marketing and communications is all about creating client success. And when we recently launched our new brand, we shared our formula for success, our X factor, our special sauce.

A key part of this is Excellent Execution. I want to let you all in on what that looks like at Aspectus. And what better way to do so than crowdsourcing intel from my talented Aspectus colleagues, whose endless energy, talent, and precision deliver success after success for the businesses and brands we call our clients.

“Clients don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – Charlie Bonner-Davies, Junior Designer

Excellent execution for clients begins with striving to be an extension of their team. We count financial services, tech, energy, industrials, and capital market companies as clients. But in practice, our clients are not companies at all. They are people: the one, two, or three executives, heads of communications or marketing, or CEOs that trust us with protecting their businesses’ reputations and brands. This trust is something every team member at every level works hard to create.

Excellence for me means showing up every day as a safe pair of hands for my clients – making sure they trust us to get things done when we say we will, to a high standard.” – Nuala O’Sullivan, Account Executive, Energy

“In my eyes, excellence consists of many moving parts – stellar communication, insightful recommendations, valuable results and always putting your best foot forward, so we can build a strong and trusting relationship with clients.” – Ivy Gitarts, Senior Account Manager

It also means knowing what clients need before they know they need it. To do that we have to put ourselves in their position and adopt their POV. It takes time to develop this informed intuition with a client. We must immerse ourselves in the company’s marketing, sales, and business objectives. We have to fully comprehend the nature of their business, the marketplace in which they compete, and their offerings. And we must truly understand them, what their ambitions are, what keeps them up at night and how they like to work.

“Get a solid handle on your client’s objectives and your client’s boss’ objectives right from kickoff. Understand their obstacles and challenges and identify the gaps that you and your account team can fill.” – Christina Hong, Account Director

Once a client is confident that we have their backs, are in their corner, and consistently watch out for their best interests, they really do think of us as indispensable extensions of their team – integral partners in their business. Partners that support them from strategy to success in a way that creates meaningful business outcomes.

“No matter how good your strategy, in the end success always hinges on the execution. Ideas have to be distinct, relevant and challenging enough to change people’s hearts, minds and behaviors – or all your great thinking up front will go to waste. The reverse is also true. Execution is only excellent if it serves a brand’s big picture and takes it a step or two further towards success.” – Dan George, Associate Director

Different agencies undoubtedly treat their clients in different ways. For us, the term “client” doesn’t do justice to how we think about those companies who keep our lights on. And since each client point-of-contact has a unique personality and different workflows, and objectives specific to their businesses, we must be agile and adaptable.

“When I worked in-house, the agencies that stood out the most that we worked with were the ones who were able to proactively anticipate our needs, as well as reactively gauge when our needs or usual way of doing things had changed and switched pace accordingly.”
– Christina Hong, Account Director

So that’s what Excellent Execution means to us. As you can see there is nothing formulaic about it. It’s an attitude that runs deep here at Aspectus. An attitude that empowers our people to do their very best work for our clients, for Aspectus, and ultimately for themselves.

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Insight unleashed: rediscovering the real magic behind the buzzword and harnessing its value in a data-driven world

By Ellie Jackson, Chief Client Strategy Officer

‘Insights.’ It’s one of those words, isn’t it? You know – the ones that get thrown around rather liberally over a period of time. And then, almost without you noticing it, you realize its true meaning has been diluted. 

For me, a true insight comes at the far end of a spectrum where ‘information’ sits on the left-hand side and ‘intelligence’ in the middle. Information is simply organized data. Intelligence is what the information tells us. Insight is the ‘a-ha’ moment. It’s that intelligence cleverly applied to the wider context of the situation that gives us an edge over everyone else. True insight requires us to understand what others don’t so we can make moves they can’t see. 

An Axe (marketed as ‘Lynx’ in the UK, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and China) campaign from a couple of years ago really brings this to life. They worked with Google to investigate young men’s online searches: that data is the information. Searches like, ‘Is it ok for guys to eat tofu?’ and, ‘Is it ok for guys to do their eyebrows?’ formed the basis of the intelligence: there is a high level of insecurity among this group about what masculinity really means. The insight therefore was that what men are searching for is reassurance that it is okay to be themselves. Thus, a campaign was born: ‘find your magic’. 

Here at Aspectus, we talk about ‘intelligent insight’ – that’s core to how we support clients. In many ways, the ability to offer insight is a central reason to hire an agency. It’s something we see as being at the heart of the value we can offer our clients. That’s why our sector specialisms in technology, energy & industrials, financial services and capital markets are so important to us. It’s only because we understand these markets so well, and from every angle, that we can truly understand different stakeholder motivations and concerns. And although every situation is unique, now we’ve grown to around 100 people globally without diluting our sector focus, that wealth of experience is a real goldmine for us – and by extension our clients – to draw on. The ability to see the full picture from the outside is one of major sources of value of hiring an agency, after all. 

Intelligent insights goes deeper at Aspectus, too. We have a specialist Brand, Insights, and Strategy team, which works alongside our sector specialists. We are firm believers in rooting our strategic decisions in evidence, and that’s why we preface all our brand and messaging projects with stakeholder mapping, audience research and a deep-dive into competitor/partner/client positioning. That basis ensures we have the necessary information to generate valuable insights. True creativity cannot exist without that insight to hang off.  Insights are needed to steer that punchy, possibly even provocative, idea that’s really going to deliver success. That kind of creative energy only delivers when it’s grounded in meaningful insights and real-world thinking. 

For clients, this approach might mean identifying trends in their own data that they would not otherwise have been able to pinpoint. Or spotting industry themes that can align with their messaging and resonate with their audience. Or hitting upon the perfect mix of channels to communicate with their stakeholders. It’s that neat idea that is usually so brilliantly simple that once you see it, you can’t imagine how you didn’t think of it sooner. Ultimately it means getting them to their communications and business successes.  

While all this value will remain, we are standing on the brink of a major shake-up of our industry. The increasing use of AI technologies will bring considerable changes – well-documented already by others – not least of which will be to support an insight-led approach. The ability to more quickly and  easily interrogate data will provide strong foundations of information and intelligence for insight-led thinking – the ‘human-in-the-loop’ layer where we add our value. 

Whatever happens, we’ll continue to focus unapologetically on insight-led strategies. And we’ll try to be strict with ourselves about only using the word when we really, really mean it. 

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