The best business podcasts: telling engaging stories (while also making commutes bearable) – part 2

It’s me again. Last time out, I spoke about some of the most popular technology podcasts that I tend to fill my commute with. But, as the podcast ecosystem is so vast, one blog didn’t do it justice. So, I’m back to focus on another area that’s relevant to a lot – if not all – of us, business.
Now, the world of business podcasts is even trickier to navigate than tech because the term is all-encompassing. I’m fairly sure I can make an argument for any podcast being linked to business somehow.
For example, No Such Thing as a Fish. The weekly podcast is hosted by the ‘QI Elves’ (they research the little nuggets of trivia that you’re used to hearing on the show), who get together to talk about the facts they’ve learnt that week. How is that relevant to business? Weather chat to fill awkward silences while waiting for conference calls to begin or at networking events is too boring and British, drop an interesting knowledge bomb instead. Such as, “a person who was invisible wouldn’t be able to see anything”.
Decisions, decisions: what should you listen to?
With such a variety of business podcasts available, this list could really be endless; so, I’m going to simplify things by speaking about podcasts from a range of categories.
Business conversations
The Bottom Line – hosted by economist and Dragons’ Den presenter, Evan Davis, the podcast involves sit down roundtable conversations with ‘people at the top’ who provide insight into some of the UK’s largest industries, including what’s potentially going wrong and how they can be improved. Chats also stretch to new markets and their impact / potential, as well as talking about more direct-business issues, like supply chain failures.
The workplace
Is This Working? – work to live, don’t live to work is the mantra we should all abide by, but a huge part of that involves challenging the conventions that can sometimes make offices a difficult place to be. Journalist Anna Codrea-Rado and writer Tiffany Philippou tackle those challenges, exploring the topics that can sometimes be considered taboo, such as mental health, office politics and asking for more cash.
Learning from the best
The Tim Ferriss Show – led by the titular American entrepreneur and author, the podcast contains interviews with successful individuals, in order to find out what makes them tick and empowered them to achieve what they have. Guests range from business people and sports stars to actors and authors, meaning different conversations that provide new sources of inspiration.
Entrepreneurs and startups
Tech Talks – while the name may lead you to be that this suggestion belongs in my previous blog, the twice-weekly podcast interviews tech leaders about the challenges they faced starting and running a business. There are also wider discussions on important broader issues, such as the lack of diversity that exists across numerous industries, the growing skills gap, or how organisations can make better use of their data. The hosts describe themselves as not ‘techies’, meaning the podcast is kept at an accessible level, and the large catalogue of past episodes means there’s undoubtedly a podcast relevant to everyone.
There are four more business podcasts for you to add to your regular listening schedule. In the next blog, I’ll provide some top-tips for any companies thinking about creating their own.
Looking for advice on how you can harness podcasts within your communications efforts? Send us an email at and we can discuss how to create an integrated campaign.
Astor is an account manager working in the technology PR team at Aspectus