Author: Aspectus Group

The future of the grid: Is COVID-19 a crystal ball?

A version of this blog first appeared on Energy Digital

By Catherine Hunter

In January this year, electricity prices were on average half that of January 2019 due to the unseasonably warm weather. Since then, as a result of COVID-19, the grid has continued to be exposed to abnormal events; the disappearance of the difference between weekday and weekend daily profiles and demand spikes following our “clap for carers” on a Thursday evening to name just two.

With lockdown restrictions being relaxed at pace and recent transport stats showing signs of life returning to normal – will the grid also return to normal or has it given us a glimpse into what we might carry over to our new lives?

A gas bridge to nowhere

The first quarter of this year saw renewables make up 47% of the electricity mix – up from the previous record of 39%. Solar had its best ever month in May and as costs continue to fall and routes to market grow, renewable capacity will climb. The question remains over non-renewable sources. It’s clear the reign of coal has ended with 67 consecutive days of no-coal generation seen in 2020 already. Gas had been lying in wait, but has its moment already passed?

Gas is often hailed as the bridge fuel to our low carbon future, but it looks as though it’s becoming a bridge to nowhere. Gas’s prominence on the system has declined year on year already – at a time when fuel costs are low this is wholly unexpected. Despite the rise of gas peakers helping to offer flexibility to the grid, they won’t be running at full load, full time, so will be unable claw back some of the losses from traditional baseload gas generators. Rethink Technology Research has suggested by 2030 it will be cheaper to install and run renewables and storage – a sure sign that the gas bridge is quickly running out of ground. We may very well have already seen our last new combined cycled gas turbine.

How low can it go?

It’s no secret that renewables are intermittent. This lack in constant output has in part been the reason behind greater price volatility over the past few years. A case in point: over the late May bank holiday, unusually low demand met with the perfect conditions of a windy and sunny day to plunge prices negative. Although not the first time this has happened, the day ahead prices for 23rd May saw 16 consecutive hours of negative pricing – reaching a low of nearly -£55 per MWh.

This highly unusual quirk of the system saw Great Britain exporting electricity and some customers paid to consume – when usually we rely on importing around 7-10%. Demand side response is crucial during peaks in demand, but there’s been a subtle change. We’re now seeing National Grid ESO more frequently pulling levers to encourage people to consume electricity; this reached new territory when customers on Octopus’ agile tariff were paid to consume electricity on a domestic tariff.

There’s no doubting the industry will increasingly move to prices more reflective of real-time costs. The question will become how much of the savings will be passed onto consumers and how this is arranged. As demand creeps back up, extended periods of negative pricing are unlikely but until we create a demand profile that mirrors our generation profile, we’ll keep seeing prices dip negative.

Hidden costs

Despite the headline-grabbing detail of negative wholesale prices, the cost of balancing the grid has soared during lockdown. While National Grid had been developing products to help from 2025, it chose to launch one sooner than planned due to the unusual events: introduced in May 2020 through the Balancing Mechanism, Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) tackles the unusually low lockdown demand by paying distributed energy resources to turn down. While a smart move to keep the grid in check, this is another cost that must be borne by consumers.

Like a visit to a clairvoyant, the start of this year has given us a glimpse into the grid of 2025 when renewables will take up the lion’s share. Questions remain to what extent heat will be electrified or decarbonised through hydrogen moving forward, and the impact of vehicle-to-grid charging. But COVID-19 has shown for certain how flexible the grid can be. The energy transition is well underway in the power sector, with the many tests of 2020, and the many records being broken, this is a glimmer into the grid of the future.

And if there is one thing people value during times of change, it is knowing about it. The grid will continue to decarbonise but shifting behaviour will only occur if we demystify the impacts and give people the right information to make decisions to change their lives. But information isn’t all they need – they need to be brought with us on the decarbonisation journey. Our communications need to inform and engage to be impactful.

Get in touch with the team to find out how we can help you craft impactful campaigns to bring people on this journey with you.

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Judging the time to strike: newsjacking for maximum impact

By Garry Dix, technology PR  account director

The term “newsjacking” is one synonymous with PR, but often not well known outside of the industry.

Simply put, it’s one of the most efficient ways to get high profile media coverage in a short space of time, so education on the topic is certainly worthwhile. But, at the same time, it needs careful consideration and expertise applied in a very short space of time; there’s method to the madness of jumping onto a breaking story.

What is newsjacking?

To begin with, it’s worth looking at the what the term means. Newsjacking is the practice of offering expert commentary on the topic of a breaking news story.

An example of newsjacking being used in technology PR is with cyber security incidents – any story on a software-breaking bug, attack or ransom will tend to have a few quotes in the piece, giving context and additional details to what has happened and what comes next – those, in the majority, would come from newsjacking.

When should you use newsjacking as a PR tactic?

At its core, the process of newsjacking is straightforward; you spot a story, craft a comment, get approval from the stakeholder, and then send it to the journalists who will be covering the story. In reality, there are several key components that need to be considered – and the consequences can be severe if you ignore them. Before we delve into to specifics of how to carry out successful newsjacking, there is one absolute that should be avoided at all costs: ambulance chasing.

Ambulance chasing is a term that stems from reporters who would shadow ambulances and emergency vehicles from scenes in the hope of capturing the gory details and breaking news concerning a tragedy. When applied to B2B public relations, it works in a very similar way and strong judgement needs to be used.

If a story is too raw, or personal, and corporate comment starts being fired out regarding what those in question did wrong and (heaven forbid) pointing them towards using technology or a service that your brand provides, then that is the scenario where you can find yourself blacklisted or publicly outed by the media.

So, the question always has to be asked at the beginning of the process: does this feel right? If the story contains real human tragedy, then it is often best to strongly ward off stakeholders from wanting to comment, no matter how legitimate the angle is. Sure, your security company may have valid knowledge of an incident which resulted in real-life tragedy, but those in charge of the account and its actions – agency-side or in-house – need to recognise when a comment would be in poor taste and negatively affect the brand.

How to newsjack

These are the key components on how to newsjack from delivering a successful comment on breaking news, from spotting the story to landing coverage:

  1. Monitor the news: Ensure you have alerts set up on the topics that matter to your brand and have daily news scans organised so your team can sweep for relevant stories that can be used. A key forum for finding news just breaking is also on social media; ensure that you’re following the right journalists and hashtags on Twitter too, as often a breaking story will have a presence on your feed before it is flagged by any alert system.
  2. Assess and write: Ensure that you have enough of the story details to hand to deliver a comment that can provide real value, then get to work. A comment is often no more than a paragraph and needs to work in a ‘drag and drop’ format, whereby a journalist can take the comment in its entirety and insert it into their story.
  3. Gain stakeholder sign off: Flag up the news story before you start on the comment – this way, the stakeholder is prepared that something is coming over which needs priority attention. Send over the comment as soon as it’s proofed and ready, alongside context to the story to negate any questions you can foresee.
  4. Advise and consult: As a comms professional, you need to strike the balance between the messages the brand wants to convey and the information a journalist will want for their story. Work with the stakeholders to gain sign off in a way that strikes that balance.
  5. Share with the right sources: Understanding the media is key: experience can’t be underestimated, but active research and tracking down who is covering what will go a long way to getting your commentary into the right hands.

Getting the timing right for newsjacking

Timing is of the essence when it comes to breaking news. The best way to approach newsjacking is to think back to goldilocks and the three bears – the classic fairy tale, remembered for its porridge scene, serves as a handy guide:

Too hot: the story is spotted and instantly the comment is written in record time. Signed off, it’s blasted out as widely as possible to media, a ‘scattergun’ approach to distribution. However, the story is still developing and crucial details aren’t yet known, so the comment says nothing of value, or even worse, gets the situation wrong, undermining any pretence of your brand as the ‘expert’.

Too cold: the story is spotted, and could be one to comment on, or could not. The decision goes back and forth, and eventually the comment is drafted. Following multiple layers of sign-off, it is eventually sent out to media way after they’ve covered the story. A check on twitter later sees journalists laughing about how behind the news cycles some organisations appear to be.

Just right: the story is spotted as it breaks at its first source, and quickly flagged. You monitor for updates, until a clear picture emerges and the comment worked on delivers value to the story. Within an hour or two of the story breaking, your comment is in the inbox of those that are going to be potentially covering the story, and coverage begins to emerge.

Building for success

Getting a smooth newsjacking process does not happen overnight; it’s an iterative process, which can be built up to run as slickly as possible moving forward. A technique that can help with this, is to build a content bank of all your agreed writing. The next time a story is in your sweet spot, you can use previous comments, messaging or excerpts of longer thought leadership pieces to build the statement to be sent out, saving precious time.

You can’t win the lottery without buying a ticket, and the same can be said for newsjacking – perseverance is key. We’ve had perfectly run newsjacking opportunities fail to deliver the goods, and more speculative attempts land major coverage. From a journalist’s perspective, they’ll often receive dozens of comments and will begin to pick out the names of those they’ve used previously and that they know deliver good quality insight.

Quite simply, newsjacking needs to have a team behind it with experience and with the confidence to make the right calls. Done correctly, it’s the only PR activity that can deliver widespread national and key trade coverage within the space of a morning and a hundred or so words. So, follow the goldilocks model, go with what feels ‘right’ when assessing the story, and work to continue building on the process. That’s how to make newsjacking work for you and deliver the goods.

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There’s an app for that: the essential PR toolkit

By Ellie Campbell, technology PR Senior Account Executive 

“Can we repurpose that byline and get that release on the wire for the AM please?”. It’s fair to say that as an industry, PR comes with a whole new language to learn, and unpicking some of the complexities is no mean feat.

Thankfully, though, there are vital hacks and tools of the trade to guide and support you. Especially if you’re starting out your career and are primarily media-facing, moving up and handling comms, there are a variety of PR tools available to reduce time spent on admin and streamline your tasks.

In this blog, we’ll look at both free and subscription-based PR tools, and how to use them.

Free PR resources

The best things in life are free. When it comes to the best online PR tools, this is certainly true. Many of the most useful resources can be downloaded free of charge and registering only requires an email sign-up.

Keeping a finger on the pulse of the news, and monitoring for brand coverage, is a huge part of what we do.

Some of the best free PR tools:


Compiles all news stories and filters by topic, making morning news sweeps more efficient. Allows you to proactively jump on news stories, comment in good time and capitalise on newsjacking opportunities

SimilarWeb plug-in

The SimilarWeb browser plug-in provides stats on a publication’s reach, audience demographic, and bounce rate along with other useful data to share with a client or stakeholder. You can use the site or add the Chrome plug-in. 

Journalist asking for photos to go along with the piece you’ve submitted? It can be tricky pinning down some media-friendly and non-cliché photos to share with them, but this site has got you covered. Everything from cloud computing to, well, anything really – and all royalty free.

Twitter (#journorequest)

News usually erupts on Twitter first. Journalists find their tips from the Tweet grapevine, so keeping a firm eye on the #journorequest hashtag can often mean landing some very impressive media opportunities and helping to form some solid media relationships. Arguably one of the best online PR tools out there for media interactions.

Talkwalker alerts

Think: Google alerts, but more niche. These personalised keyword searches deliver search engine roundups of coverage straight to your inbox which makes it ideal for PR monitoring.

Google alerts

The original, and one of the most effective, ways to monitor for coverage appearing online using specific keywords. Choosing the right search terms and setting them up in Google alerts means you can have your ear to the ground and spot any mention of your brand as it happens.


Another free PR monitoring tool that picks up print coverage. Very useful if you can’t get your hands on daily broadsheets.

Tasks that would ordinarily take hours of manual searching and input can be reduced to minutes with the use of free online PR tools. For research tasks, like developing events and awards calendars for your brand, more often than not, there will be sites dedicated to offering compilations of the best-in-class industry ones.

Reaching out and prospecting isn’t just limited to the sales function, either. PR professionals, when trying to expand their portfolio, need cost-effective ways of approaching new business contacts. accurately suggests the email domain structure for a company you’re trying to contact, free of charge.

Investments: subscription-based PR tools

Equipping teams with the knowledge they need can sometimes come at a cost, but they are definitely worth the investment. Some of the best online PR tools to invest in are undoubtedly:


Roxhill is an extensive database of journalists and their preferred contact details, keeping you up to date with career moves and industry trends. What’s great about this tool is how it pins down the specific beats and topic focuses of the journalists, allowing PR professionals to approach them with tailored knowledge as to what they’re currently writing on (B2B tech, for example). Valuable, very valuable indeed, for getting the right attention. The interface is extremely user-friendly and there’s also pre-made press lists available.


The original, the go-to for media requests. Journalists put out requests via ResponseSource regularly and have been using it as a valuable resource for some time now. The subscription allows you to choose to receive alerts for sectors and topics that are relevant to your brand, and sets you up with regular email alerts – an essential PR tool.


The holy grail for compiling and sharing press coverage. Simply add the links, add the hard copy coverage pictures, and voila – site metrics, social shares, embedded links, estimated views – everything you need to show off your hard work. All in a slick format.

All of these investments pay for themselves in dividends, and used wisely can wield some seriously impressive results.

Trade secrets, not so secret

Fortunately, there are lots of savvy programmes to help you navigate this career path. PR comes with an arsenal of digital tools to help connect with the media and expand your brand’s presence beyond simple email marketing techniques.

The best PR tools don’t need to break the bank. Keeping pace with breaking news and tracking for press coverage doesn’t require a mammoth budget. All it takes is the know-how and a few trade secrets.

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Mining for ESG data – the new gold of the financial information industry?

By Danae Quek

In recent years, the letters E, S and G have never been more popular. In the world of finance, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues have risen to the top of the agenda with market participants across the spectrum discussing it in one way or another. Investors have become more socially conscious, choosing ESG over more traditional investments and with good reason given their performance in recent months.

The growth of ESG investing also brings with it various opportunities for all market participants, especially for data information providers who have the knowledge and information that the market requires.

According to a recent report by UBS, the ESG data services market could more than double to over $5 billion by 2025. Even assuming a worst-case scenario in which ESG performs poorly and the focus on ESG reporting falls, UBS anticipates the ESG information services TAM to only dip to $2.1 billion by 2021.

These results indicate that ESG data, research and analytics represent a meaningful opportunity for information services providers. There is also likely to be an increased focus on system reliance following the disruption caused by COVID-19, placing even more importance on the role of data and analytics in assessing the outlook for ESG, which should benefit information services providers further.

Financial data has long been the most valuable asset in the financial industry and with ESG continuing to increase in popularity and relevance, there exists a growing part of the data pool for financial information providers to tap into. The mining, refining and provision of relevant ESG data will go a long way in servicing the financial industry, helping companies define their strategies and their definitions of ESG, allowing investors to make informed investment decisions and potentially helping the industry as a whole take steps towards reaching a consensus on what constitutes as ESG.

As ESG continues to dominate headlines, it is clear that now is the time for financial information providers to work on increasing their profile in the market to make the most of the business opportunities this boom will create. They will need to look at the bigger picture, creating a strategic communications plan that incorporates their current view of the benefits of ESG data and also the future of ESG data – explaining why it is here to stay and what’s next. Most importantly, they must develop messaging with strict definitions of the E, S and G requirements they place on data, ensuring they follow these standards and are able to explain why they have chosen such definitions.

These factors should all come together in a proactive approach to communications on ESG, using global events such as COP 2020 to raise awareness around the need for ESG data and highlighting their unique offering and approach to defining, refining and processing such data. Doing so will ensure that they stand out from the crowd of numerous data providers looking to capitalise on the popularity of ESG. They will be able to demonstrate that their focus on ESG data is done with the long-term future in mind and that this is more than a passing fad in investor behaviour – it is quickly becoming a mainstay of investing. At Aspectus we are experts in this proactive approach to communications. We help clients stand out from the crowd and position them as experts in the field of financial and ESG data, as well as in the broader socially responsible investing (SRI) and impact investing spaces.

As these three letters continue to dominate the investment press, it will be interesting to see market participants and financial data information providers in particular develop innovative and competitive ESG data offerings that evolve with the market and investor demand. ESG is most certainly here to stay and it will be fascinating to see how the industry reacts to these ongoing developments.

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What is integrated marketing communications?

Do you ever get the feeling that a brand is just everywhere? You see their ads on billboards and bus stops, they were mentioned in that article you read the other day, and their presence is dominating your social feeds. Whilst it might feel like the brand is everywhere, the chances are, they are running a very effective integrated marketing campaign.

The concept of integrated marketing communication campaigns is not new. However, it is a phenomenon that many businesses fail to truly get right. But, when you do nail it, they can have an enormous impact.

Take the infamous “you’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign from Snickers as a well-known example. From what was initially a TV advert that launched at the 2010 Super Bowl, Snickers evolved the campaign across online and offline channels including their website, social media, and creative out-of-home advertising. By tapping into what is a relatable human truth and associating it with their brand, the campaign been a success, running for over 10 years, spanning across 80 countries and winning awards at every creative gathering, including Cannes Lions.

Do you want to replicate that same sense of being ‘everywhere’ for your brand? Read on to learn more about integrated marketing communications and how you can build your own award-winning integrated campaign.

What is integrated marketing communications?

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is the process of aligning all of your marketing channels, both digital and traditional, to promote your products or services. Integrated marketing usually takes the form of a strategic campaign delivered using your marketing channels and assets.

Why is integrated marketing important?

Integrated marketing communications are vital to ensure that your brand delivers a unified message to your target audience. With the continuing evolution of technology, there are infinite possibilities and channels that your end-users will use to consume information, and it’s important that your brand’s message remains consistent across all possible touchpoints.

For example, there is nothing worse than being targeted with an ad that piques your interest but, when you click through or visit the company’s website, what initially drew you in is nowhere to be found. As a user, you might feel a bit cheated, and rightly so – you were misled and this inconsistency has hindered your experience with that particular brand.

Integrated marketing exists to reduce these kinds of disparities that a user may experience when they interact with your brand. Aligning your marketing channels creates a united front and means your users don’t come up against any unexpected barriers on their quest for information, or more importantly, conversion.

The benefits of integrated marketing communications

There are many benefits of integrating marketing communications for your brand including:

  • It promotes one, consistent brand, or campaign, message
  • It is measurable at every level and you can see the impact across your marketing channels
  • It is adaptable – if something works you can repeat that across other channels. Likewise, if something isn’t working it can easily be switched off because the campaign isn’t solely reliant on it
  • It is repeatable – once you find a formula that works it is easy to repeat that and continue to drive results
  • It looks at marketing from the viewpoint of the target customer and their purchasing journey which subsequently creates a seamless user experience for them
  • It helps you build trust with your target audience
  • You can reach a wider audience through an aligned, multi-channel approach
  • It ensures your marketing (and sales) teams are aligned

The challenges of integrated marketing communications

Despite the obvious benefits and positive impact of integrated marketing communications, there is little done by marketers to align efforts, share learnings and work towards a shared goal. As the adage goes; the whole is more than the sum of its parts, so why are so many failing to make it add up?

Siloed marketing teams

If you Google the definition of integration like I did, you’ll see that a proponent of it is to: ‘bring (people or groups with particular characteristics or needs) into equal participation in or membership of a social group or institution’. This is the first hurdle that businesses need to overcome; integrating their people in order to create an integrated campaign.

Given the often siloed structure of many modern marketing departments, it’s no wonder that we aren’t seeing more fully integrated marketing campaigns. The typical structure of a marketing team sees each channel run by a different team or individual, or, in some cases, an individual may manage a number of channels. Often, each team has its own KPIs to hit and therefore is blinkered to their own activity and achievements.

How can you overcome this challenge?

Start small

Don’t dive straight in and plan a huge integrated campaign that you can’t manage. Start small and integrate a couple of channels that work naturally together. For instance, if your aim is to promote your new product launch, you will most likely have created a new page for this on your website. Think about how you might amplify this and get people to visit this new page. You could send out an announcement press release which is complemented by a targeted paid social campaign to drive your audience to your new product page.

Ineffective campaign message

Many businesses have mastered omnichannel marketing, understanding the need to project their brand across multiple platforms to reach their target audience. But few successfully manage to harness the power of an effective brand message that resonates with their audience and weave it throughout their cross-channel communications. Understandably so, as its no mean feat to develop both the digital and industry experience needed to pull off an integrated campaign.

How can you overcome this challenge?

Get professional help

Many digital marketing and PR agencies have naturally adopted an integrated mentality. Agencies have a wealth of knowledge across both digital and traditional channels and are experienced in aligning them to achieve business goals. Combine that with a deep understanding of industry verticals and audience insight; it’s an unbeatable pairing. Whether it be on a management or consultancy basis, it’s useful to have the support of an integrated marketing agency to develop the golden thread of your campaign.

How to build an integrated marketing campaign

Now that you know why they are important, how can you build your own integrated marketing campaign?

We’ve outlined below the questions that we work through when we’re building out an integrated campaign for one of our clients. If you can answer each of these, you will have a basic framework to build out your own integrated campaign.

  • What overarching goal are you trying to achieve?
  • Who will you target through each channel?
  • What message are you promoting?
  • Which channels will you use? And what are the goals for each of them?
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • What assets will you need to do this?
  • When will you launch?
  • How will you track and report the success of the campaign?

In today’s digital environment it’s important to remember that your audience will encounter your brand in a number of different ways; industry events (both on and offline), your website, social, search, and in their everyday lives. By running an integrated marketing campaign you will be using each of these channels to create a connection with your audience and effectively transition them through their journey with your brand, all the while building brand recognition, loyalty and advocacy.

For more advice and training on running a successful integrated marketing campaign get in touch: We’ve helped to execute impactful, lead-driven campaigns for our technology clients including Breathe — who received over 26 qualified leads and 50+ pieces of media coverage from one piece of original content. Read more about their success story.

Mel Jones is an Integration Account Manager working in the technology team at Aspectus Group.

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How to market a product with no competition

It sounds like the dream scenario, doesn’t it? Marketing a product with no competition. But this apparently ideal situation brings with it a number of challenges. Ellie Jackson explores some of the issues and solutions.

It’s not unusual, especially in our relatively complex B2B industries, for us to be charged with marketing products with no true competition – or where the alternative is a combination of in-house build and various point solutions with dubious integration, involving the technological equivalent of sticky tape.

While a crowded market isn’t easy to work in, being a ‘category creator’ brings its own hurdles. For starters, people don’t typically issue RFPs or RFIs for things that they don’t realise exist. Perhaps they grudgingly accept their current unsatisfactory workaround, or perhaps they don’t give it any thought at all.

Another common challenge is being inaccurately compared to a better-known or understood option. Perhaps you find yourself regularly saying, ‘well no, we’re not really that,’ or yet again you’re fudging the category choice for some industry awards because, ‘there isn’t one that quite fits for us.’ And before you know it, you start defining yourself by the way you differ from others – by the things you aren’t, rather than what you are.

One of the real kickers in all this is that you might well find that you still have competition for share of voice – online or in the media. This can itself contribute to a lack of understanding about where you sit and what you deliver.

Perhaps the toughest of all is what I call the ‘disbelief challenge’. This is sense that people often have that if something like what you purport to deliver were possible, that someone would have developed it before now, or that lots of people would be doing so. One client recently reported this response, even following a demo of their product – it just seemed too good to be true!

All of a sudden, being out in front can seem somewhat lonely.

I’d love to say I have all the answers. I don’t. But through years of experience with variations on this problem, I have uncovered some approaches that help. Here are my top five:

1.Education (education education)

We believe that the job of marketing and PR is to create effective conditions for selling. Sometimes that might be building a firm’s reputation, but sometimes you have to take a step back and focus on educating the audience on the existence of the problem and the availability of a solution. Taking the time to focus on audience education tends to pay dividends in the long-run.

See how we followed this path with RLtec (now OpenEnergi)

2.Show, don’t tell

Arguably, this is always a good approach to audience engagement, but it is especially valuable in the context of a category creator, to fight the challenge of being put in the wrong-shaped box. Be very specific about the benefits of your product, and – if possible – show that in action. That’s exactly how we managed a campaign on ransomware for RES.

3.Let others tell your story

This naturally follows from the point above, but nothing validates your story more effectively than having others tell it. That’s what worked so well when we accelerated eToro’s growth in the UK. In the B2B world, this means working with clients to find approaches with which they (or their corporate comms teams) can be comfortable (which doesn’t necessarily have to be a standard press release or case study, but which could be something more creative like a co-authored article or participation in an event). And it doesn’t need to stop with clients. Working effectively with the analyst community for your industry can yield real benefits here too.

4.Focus on storytelling

We’ve talked before about the power of storytelling. There’s little better for breeding engagement. A good story gently teases the audience in, fostering real engagement, meaning you are far less likely to lose someone clicking away through disbelief before you’ve had a chance to prove that what you say is true. See here how that worked for Malwarebytes.

5.Have patience

Not popular, especially with CEOs, I know. And not something I like to have to tell clients. But the reality is that sometimes, as a category creator, you do need to accept that audience understanding will not change overnight – at least not on most companies’ budgets. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push for success from the off, but know that you’ll probably have to come back to your education campaign more than once.

There’s every chance there’ll come a time in the future, when others have seen what you’ve achieved and taken steps to emulate it. Then your focus will have to shift to defending and differentiating – and you might look back fondly on this time before the market woke up to your possibilities!

At Aspectus we’ve worked with many companies across tech, financial services, capital markets and energy, helping them to position themselves for growth. If any of these challenges resonated with you and you’d like to explore how we could help, book a 30 minute consultation with Group Director Ellie Jackson below.

Book a consultation


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The femtech revolution: women first, finally

Women’s health has long been lacking innovation and investment. Women represent 51% of the population and yet specific resources for, and research into, conditions which disproportionality impact women have been overwhelmingly scarce. This can be traced back to the data gap in women’s health — medical research overwhelmingly focuses on men, with the results being extrapolated to women. It’s for this reason, that women are more likely to die of heart attacks. Women present different symptoms to men which are largely under-researched. Insufficient investment for products focused on women’s health has prevented women from accessing adequate healthcare which supports their needs. Fortunately, this is changing.

There has been an unprecedented growth in the number of tech-savvy start-ups which are designing leading products for women and transforming the landscape of disease diagnosis, pregnancy, miscarriage, motherhood and the menopause. The access to products designed to suit their needs has set the wheels of change in motion for women. Autonomy for women over their health and wellbeing is long overdue.

What is femtech?

Femtech is a term applied to the services, products and diagnostics which use technology to improve women’s health. ‘Femtech’ was first thought to be coined by Ida Tin, CEO and Founder of women’s menstruation-tracking app, Clue, during conversations with male investors.

Femtech startups and companies to watch

The footprint of femtech is vast. And, it’s just the beginning, as the industry is expected to be worth over $50bn by 2025. From fertility trackers to sexual wellness apps, the market is booming with products and services which deliver better healthcare for women. It’s a crowded space but there are some companies which stand out.

Securing $42 billion in Series B funding, the largest femtech investment (at the time), Elvie is a trailblazer in this space. The firm has developed a silent breast pump and discreet pelvic floor strengthener and is now recognised for tackling previously seemed “taboo subjects” head-on.

On the other end of the scale, you’ve got promising startups like Adia Health, launched just this year, whose platform educates women about their reproductive health.

Amongst those leading the way is Natural Cycles – the world’s first and only FDA and CE approved contraception app. In fact, the biggest study into menstrual cycles done by them in partnership with UCL, revealed that only 13% of women have cycles lasting 28 days, contrary to popular belief. The significance of these findings for fertility is huge.

The Lowdown is another website making waves. The peer-to-peer review website for contraception enables women, for the first time ever, to openly discuss the merits and pitfalls of different options. Freedom to choose, greater accessibility and information about different products are transforming how women approach reproductive healthcare.

The personalisation of female healthcare is at the heart of Syrona. This platform allows women to understand their gynaecological health by testing for issues such as PCOS and endometriosis. Tests can take place in the comfort of their own homes, giving women greater privacy and flexibility.

Investment into femtech

However, the industry still has some way to go. Miscarriages and menopause remain taboos, and discussions about female-focused products are still often dismissed by male investors.

Venture capital (VC) investments into femtech startups are typically led by men who are too often embarrassed to ask questions or do not understand the value of technology solving fertility, breastfeeding and women’s health issues. So, communicating effectively is particularly important for femtech companies to educate this audience. In the same vein, women are still underrepresented in the VC world, only 13% of VC decision-makers are female in the UK – consequently, the amount of funding femtech startups get is still much lower than other industries.

The future is female 

Reservations aside, the future is undoubtedly female. The flourishing femtech market has created a change in mindset around women’s health and sparked debate about personalisation, choice and autonomy.

It’s an exciting time for femtech firms and as the market matures, they will need to focus on making their brand and products distinctive. Take period trackers. Already the market is saturated with the likes of Clue, Eve, Ovia and even Apple Watch. Now is the time for femtech firms to stake their claim and become known.

If you want to learn more about Aspectus’ femtech PR and marketing work and our capacity to support femtech companies, contact In the last month, for Natural Cycles, we secured 19 pieces of coverage with a readership of 1.3 billion people. Highlights included pieces in Refinery29, Glamour, The Sunday Times and BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour.

Ellie is a Junior Account Executive working in the Technology PR team at Aspectus Group.

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Social distancing hobbies – FS team edition

As we look towards the possibility of meeting up to six friends at once, the FS team here at Aspectus have been reflecting on how they’ve managed lock-down.

The approaches have varied greatly, with some focusing on their best selves and others on Netflix.

What we all have in common is that we have been brought closer together. At Aspectus we treasure our unique culture and during lockdown this has been strengthened.

Below, each member of the team describes in their own words what they’ve been up to during lockdown

Alex Knight

  • I’ve been growing a beard and long hair and have learnt much about beard grooming along the way. And yes, the cliched nature of emerging from lockdown with long hair and a beard is not lost on me.
  • Family is taking it in turns cooking. Dads recent tomato, celery, kidney bean and ginger pasta was an interesting one.
  • I’ve treated myself to a bunch of new summer clothes. As yet unused.
  • A couple of digital dates. More enjoyable than expected.
  • Got to know some of the neighbours better, who I’ve spoken to more than ever before.
  • If you know, you know.

James Sharples

  • Almost got scammed out off £1,600
  • Re-discovered my love of cooking but have since fallen out of love with it due to a demanding family
  • Start a painting by numbers, then got bored, so started a different one. Yet to finish either.
  • Decided to work on my golf-game before discovering I’ve got the swing of a 60 year old
  • Won my family zoom quiz 6 weeks on the trot and was uninvited from future quizzes

Emilie Rowe

  • Rekindled my love of Sudokus
  • Explored the many wonderful walks in Fife, Scotland – the coastal path is particularly stunning!
  • Got really into my cooking, that’s normally one for the other half
  • Started running again
  • Became head of IT for my soon to be mother-in-law…

Annabel Rivero

  • I’ve started running, as a result I reckon I’ve been to Richmond Park more in the last couple of months than I have in the entire 4 years that I’ve lived here
  • Finding independent alternatives to support instead of supermarkets – now I’ve got a meat guy, a fish lady and a few brewers
  • Being at home all the time has meant that I can indulge my passion for slow cooking stuff – Ragu, stew, tagine. You name it I’ll cook it for 5 hours and stir it lovingly between conference calls
  • Planning for when I can travel again
  • Planning what I will eat when I can travel again. Currently obsessed with the series Ugly Delicious on Netflix which explores food cultures around the world

Kate Evans

  • Watching ALL of Gilmore Girls for the first time – unbelievable to think that Gilmore Girls didn’t take up my entire headspace before quarantine
  • Teaching my dog not to bark – Raffles seems to think that anyone walking down the street is fair game
  • Legitimately failing at making sourdough bread – I made a pretty good rock though
  • Tanning by the pool – some may argue that this was a deciding factor in my temporary relocation back to LA
  • Trying to become TikTok famous – if my dancing abilities have anything to say about it, I’m not famous

Lucinda Armitage Price

  • Got some binoculars to watch birds from my office. Now think I’m a secret agent, desperate to witness a scandal.
  • Started writing my Corona Chronicles…get ready Sunday Times Bestseller list 2021
  • Constantly rearranging my kitchen storage – sometimes in life, we don’t always make the right choices
  • Walking our adoptive dog Sam and still seeing the same people every day but in that weird no-man’s land of knowing someone where you’re like, do I stop and ask how they are?
  • Making sure I say, ‘we’re in the same storm, but not the same boat’ at least once a day

Ellie Smith

  • Why everyone should try painting by numbers:
    • It’s therapeutic and brings out your inner child.
    • No time to think about your work day when you’re concentrating so hard not to go outside of the lines.
    • The feeling of creating something is also incredibly satisfying during this period where it feels like the world around you has pressed pause.
    • It allows non arty people (like me) to believe they have talent

Louise Veitch

  • Sculpting
  • Walking (10 miles)
  • Foraging for wild garlic
  • Supported Freddie (other half) running a marathon in multiple fancy dress
  • Hinge bingo over zoom (it was really funny)

Kanayo Agwunobi

  • Fallen in love with my PS4 again
  • Been learning French with a powerful combination of textbooks and Netflix
  • Doing some digital marketing courses
  • Impulse buying: guitar, whiteboard and a bicycle so far
  • I conquered my fear of walking for more than 30 minutes at a time

Emma Andersson

  • Running away to a non-locked down country
  • Hanging with loads of puppies / dog-sitting
  • Hosting events with the roomies e.g. pasta championships or lads night – one each Saturday (wild weekends)
  • Learning lots of new workouts at home – a new favourite I’d highly recommend includes “Bring Sally Up” – spotify link
  • Binging new tv shows: Outerbanks and Little Fires Everywhere

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How – and how not – to handle a brand reputational crisis

Every once in a while, firms face a reputational crisis that is completely out of their control. Beer brand Corona has been a recent example of this, with unfortunate and unwarranted associations drawn by some consumers with the coronavirus pandemic (although sales have remained solid).  But in most cases, firms carry some level of responsibility. It is also usually the ones that are most willing to own this responsibility and take action (where appropriate), that come out better than the ones that don’t.

Case A: KFC

February 2018. A time when, inexplicably, the biggest global brand in fried chicken ran out of chicken. A UK-wide scandal. The reason? KFC’s new logistics partner DHL failed to live up to the pressure of distributing ingredients from its single depot in Rugby, unlike its predecessor Bidvest, which had six. The response? An apology that was bold, unequivocal and quietly funny.

The direct blame could have easily been laid at DHL’s door. But disasters like this tend not to happen often to brands like KFC, and frankly, shouldn’t. So, it was the right thing to do to take ownership, even though it would have been tempting not to, for several reasons:

  • Entering a blame game would have only dragged out a corporate reputational war longer than it needed to, drawing further negative attention to the problem than it should
  • Refusing to accept blame and adopting a reactive strategy, rather than proactive, would allow wider media and competitors to control the narrative and inflict further reputational damage
  • Not accepting shortcomings early that inevitably lead to you being blamed creates distrust and causes long-term, not just short-term, damages. As the cliché goes, it takes years to build reputations, but seconds to destroy them

But apart from anything else, in crises like these, the objective for any brand should not be to repair/deter all reputational damage. It may be hard to accept, but the immediate aims are simply limiting damage and retaining control.

Case B: Volkswagen

In 2015, Volkswagen was embroiled in one of the biggest global brand reputation crises we have seen in modern times. In September of that year, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that the car manufacturer had fitted a “defeat device” – or software –  in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve its emissions results. This case is still ongoing.

The EPA’s findings only covered 482,000 cars in the US only, including other VW-manufactured car brands. But VW then admitted a much larger figure of 11 million cars worldwide, including eight million in Europe, had been fitted with the “defeat device”. At one point, VW’s share price had halved.

However, VW’s business actions, not just communications, to this crisis benefited both its long-run performance and reputation by taking the following steps:

  • Acceptance of responsibility and resignation: In a month, the CEO, Martin Winterkorn, stepped down as VW Group’s CEO saying it had “broken the trust of our customers and the public”. Mr Winterkorn resigned as a direct result of the scandal but did not accept any personal responsibility – certainly an unhelpful parting shot.

VW’s US boss, Michael Horn, said, “We’ve totally screwed up,” and Winterkorn’s replacement, Matthias Mueller, said in his new role “My most urgent task is to win back trust for the Volkswagen Group – by leaving no stone unturned,”

  • Internal Inquiry: Winterkorn’s tenure as CEO was tainted by an autocratic culture that came from the top. The new CEO immediately called for an internal inquiry – signalling to customers the process to rectify this problem and identify responsibility was underway, as well as that the culture overseen by the previous incumbent was to change
  • Restructuring and cost-cutting: As the crisis developed, VW conducted a global restructure, cutting costs to brace for the impact of overheads caused by the scandal

The result? Figures released in 2018 show sales at the group, whose 12 brands include Audi and Porsche, climbed 4.3 per cent in 2017 to 10.7 million vehicles. In addition, despite reputation management consultants in April 2017 claiming Volkswagen had “destroyed brand trust”, the mass-market VW brand stole US market share with a 5.2 per cent rise in sales.

A delay in accepting responsibility, and Winterkorn’s total refusal to accept personal responsibility were certainly unhelpful. But VW’s swift and thorough commitment to change through business actions communicated an effective enough strategy that one JP Morgan analyst said, “You wouldn’t be able to recognise that they had gone through the diesel crisis.” Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

In times of crisis, how firms respond can define not just their short-term futures, but long-term too. To have a chance in ensuring both, they must place three elements at the heart of their strategy: be honest and plan for the long-term, develop your tactics around what you can control and accept what you can’t, and ensure your business actions are tied to your communications. In short, practice what you preach.

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